Packaging Design

Packaging Design includes different form typography, imaginary pictures, and more colorful detail, which makes it easier for you to sell the item. If you want to sell your articles quickly, your packaging design should be better than your competitors, and we are available for such work.

Product Lebel Design

Product Label

Bottle Design


Bag or Pouch Design

Bag or Pouch

Clothing Lebel Design

Clothing Label

Carton Design


Candle Design


Paper Cup Design

Paper Cup

Packaging Design That Keeps Your Branding Intact

Packaging design is one of the parts of launching your product in the market because, of course, if you have designed a product, you must cover and pack it in some packaging. Some people take it too seriously, while others ignore it.

Packaging design must be given importance together with the product inside it. You might have never thought about it, but your product’s packaging can either convince or make a customer reject your product because the outlook matters a lot.

You might have noticed that many already selling product brands suddenly change the packaging design.

 Ever wondered why they do so?

The only cause behind this is that changing the packaging design often boosts sales because a customer cares about what’s inside, and many bother about what type of packaging it is in.

Types of Packaging Design

Packaging is not just a single layer thing; instead, it is composed of many layers to hold your product with safety.

The basic three types of packaging are primary, secondary, and. Making your product beautiful is not enough; instead, it must be capable of holding the product for which it is designed.

Primary Packaging

It is a type of packaging where a single layer of packaging is present, and it holds the product and itself with no additional covering. One common example of such type of packaging includes cooking oil bottles, moisturizer bottles, and other products like this.

Secondary Packaging

In this packaging, there are commonly two layers. The outer layer represents the product, while the inner layer holds the product inside it. Cereal boxes are examples of secondary packaging where the external box advertises the cereal while the inner pack holds the cereal inside it.

Tertiary Packaging

A tertiary packaging design is used when a product is wrapped inside many layers. It is mostly done for the most sensitive products that need to be packed in multiple layers to keep the originality and freshness of the product. Spices are usually found in tertiary packaging because they need to preserve their freshness and taste. The basic purpose of tertiary packaging is to supply the product from the industry to the customer without losing the freshness and originality of the product.

What To Know Before Designing Packaging Design?

Packaging design is important; therefore, before designing it, you must keep in mind some of the basic things related to the product’s design.

1.     Relevant To The Product

Packaging design is meant to cover the product, and it must be relevant to the product because only then you will be able to make an efficient packaging design. If the packaging design is opposite to what it is hiding inside, it would be difficult for customers to purchase your product.

The design must speak about the product to purchase the product even without reading what’s inside. Everything will make an impact on your packaging design, including imagery, styling, colors, font selection, and packaging shapes.

The relevance of the packaging design with the product makes it suitable to purchase for a customer rejecting the other products.

2.     Focus On Uniqueness

Your product is not the only one in the market of its type; this makes the packaging design very important because it will differentiate your product from others at the first glimpse. You must be very careful to keep your packaging design unique because if your packaging design looks like other products of its type, it will make no difference in increasing sales.

Therefore keeping the originality and your nation’s of your backend in design is very important, so you must choose the design, color, and all other things with smartness to impact your customers with a packaging design that is not like others.

3.     Align With The Trend

The trend is also an important factor to consider why you are designing your packaging and because if you try to use only your idea without keeping in mind the trend, it may make your product look older.

For some products, the trend does not matter; however, most of the products related to fashion need to be just aligned with the trend, or else it may decrease their worth. You can also use different kinds of materials and sizes of the packaging design to cope with the latest trends.

4.     Must Be Understandable

Many times packaging design is made too complicated by the thought of making it different and unique. You must know that your customers are not that much easier with purchasing products that have complicated packaging designs. They need everything to be clear and understandable on the spot.

Your product must be packed in a package that is direct and clear, telling the customer what it sells and why with important details and no extraordinary imagery. Many times it is seen that customers prefer to purchase products that come in packets that have a balanced amount of imagery and text without anything looking over the mark.

5.     Make It Recyclable

Pollution is one of the growing issues of the world today because of the plastic packaging polluting the Earth as they do not vanish from the Earth until many years. This is why many companies are trying to make their packaging design recyclable so that they can save the environment and impact their customers that they care about the environment.

The customers feel proud to purchase items that come in recyclable packaging designs as they will not have to be a part of the pollution that is destroying the world.

Why Not Hire A Professional?

Packaging design is a complex task and requires a lot of time which may be daunting sometimes. Instead of designing the packaging yourself, you can hire a professional to save your time and make the packaging look professional.

Designroom24 is one of the best places to hire a professional to design a package for your product. They have the best designers who handle your task efficiently, caring about what you want exactly.

So why waste time doing everything yourself?

Hire a professional and get your packaging design done within no time.