Custom Vehicle Wrap Design

You might be an artist in designing your vehicle. If you are a business owner, you want a customized wrap for marketing‌. Designing wrap entirely without professional help will not be the best-case scenario.

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How to Design Your Customized Vehicle Wrap Like A Pro

If you want to customize your car or van? Or you may be interested in adding more colors to your vehicle. Custom wrap design makes your car look fantastic and gives it your signature design.

Through custom wrap art, you can put the colors of your desire in the car or vehicle. Also, you can design it according to your taste. A good custom wrap changes your car’s entire look, making it brand new.

This article will help you much in designing your vehicle wrap. The significant advantage of your custom design is that the color choice and design selection will be yours. In short, you’ll have all the control of the wrap designing process. Without more delay, let’s jump into it.

Get a One-Sided Image Of The Vehicle

The first step is to get the car for whom you want to design a custom wrap. Now, take its pictures from the front, back, and sideways.

You can also take pictures from the internet, but that will not work. It will complicate your wrap designing process. In the worst-case scenario, it will mess up your custom graphic design of a car or van. That’s why it’s better to go for a straight one-sided picture you would take yourself for the perfect custom wrap.

Get a one-sided image

Figure 1: Get a one-sided image

Get Into The Editing Process

The further step of custom wrap design is to go for software to help you in your editing journey. Adobe Photoshop will help you much in this way. Open the app, and with the keys, control plus alt will help you get your pictures from the download folder on the software.

Get the image on the Editor

Figure 2: Get the image on the Editor

Making An Outline

The further step is to outline the car or van. Outlining tells you about the area where you need your custom wrap design. To outline, the Laslo tool would be there in Photoshop to help you out.

Step 1 Click on the Laslo tools

Step 2 With button L, you can zoom in on the picture.

Step 3 With a right-click and dragging, you can quickly outline the area where you want your customized wrap.

Step 4 When you press the shift button and click, the outline will get saved to your tools. Everything that you outline will get in your tools.

Step 5 If you press the alt button, a minus sign will pop up from where you can quickly remove side LEDs headlights from the outline.

Q Mode Selection

The way to avoid the unnecessary areas from the outline is to go for Q mask mode. You will save yourself from all annoying clicks. Everything in red will not add in your outlining when you get into this mode, but you can choose areas except red ones into selection for customization.

Further, you can add or remove the red color from the vehicle with the brushing tools. These tools are present on the left side menu of Photoshop. You can also use these tools to color vehicle wheels in red. It would mean that wheel will not be part of design customization. Press the “Q” button when you have done with your selection. It will eliminate you from Q mode.

                                                            Figure 3 Q Mode Selection

Figure 3: Q Mode Selection

Make A Mask Of Outline

Now make a new folder and name it as graphics. You can easily make it through the right side menu on Photoshop. Above that folder you made, there is a mask layer option in Adobe Photoshop. Click on it, what it will do, make a mask.

You can also make the mask by pressing the ground icon on the bottom right of Photoshop. You can also select a white color option to work. The reason is it is easy to make customization over white color. Making a mask would mean this mode will hide everything in the back.

Re-select that with the control button and box up there on a folder on the right side menu. Click and re-select your mask there. Now hold on to the car layer and hit control plus J. what it would do; it cuts out the selection of the car.

Figure 4: Make a mask

Figure 4: Make a mask

Designing Custom Wrap

Now the real work starts when you put graphics in your car. Here, copy past options for designing will help you best.

Step 1 You need to copy your desired image from the download section on your computer.

Step 2 The next step is to paste your car picture. Adjust it according to your need. Also, it’s your choice of customization that you want to wrap half of the car or full of it.

The important thing is that when you get the area’s design, you don’t select customization. That designing part will automatically cut out when you place the design on the car—placing it over the outlined area and adjusting to your choice where you feel best for it. And, there you go, your custom vehicle wrap design is ready.

Figure 5: Design Your custom wrap

Figure 5: Design Your custom wrap

What Are The Mistakes That Beginners Do While Designing Custom Wrap?

You should keep in mind some things to build a perfect custom vehicle wrap.

Designing The Wrap Without Consultation

You might be an artist in designing your vehicle. If you are a business owner, you want a customized wrap for marketing‌. Designing wrap entirely without professional help will not be the best-case scenario.

Professional designers know the psychology of marketing. That’s why their advice can help you better meet your marketing goals.

What If You Don’t Want To Design Custom Wrap By Your Own?

Suppose you don’t want to mess up designing your wrap. The best thing you can do is get someone to do this job for you. You can hire professional graphic designers from our side. Our graphic designers will give you the best of their services. Here, designers work for different ‌vehicles, whether you want a custom wrap for marketing or customization for your dream car. You will find our services at the top.

All you just need is to handover your demands to our best designers. They will give you ideal customization in a vehicle wrap. If you want a custom wrap for marketing‌, our designers know what works in the market. They know how to create the designs for the best advertisement. Designs that look attractive to customers and generate sales for you.