Book Design

A Book cover acts as the deciding factor for most of the population when selecting from millions of books. Mostly the term book design resonates with the thought of a book cover on a first impression basis.

Book Cover Design

Book Cover Design

Book Layout Design & Typesetting

Book Layout Design & Typesetting

Book Design: A Complete Guide

Books play a major part in shaping our perspectives and thinking patterns in our lives. They can teach you precious life lessons that you can’t generally understand without guidance. No wonder the book industry has become a popular industry with almost millions of new books published each year. Compared to traditionally published books, Kindle and E-books are trending now a days through the advancements in technology.

How do you select a book? What makes a book different from the others on a shelf for you to pick it up?

These questions can be answered as THE BOOK DESIGN. It’s not just the written stuff but also includes the outside cover. An ideal combination is vital for a perfect book design that blends the pleasant look of the book with a professional-looking formatted manuscript.

Suppose you love a book’s cover image. But when you open the book, you notice that the font is too small and the text has formatting irregularities or mistakes. You will not buy it though you might need it, as reading is a visual experience and appearances really count with people so much that they typically don’t buy a book whose looks doesn’t meet their expectations.

An ideal book design involves the following elements.

  1. Book Cover Design
  2. Interior Design
  3. Illustration

Book Cover Design

A Book cover acts as the deciding factor for most of the population when selecting from millions of books. Mostly the term book design resonates with the thought of a book cover on a first impression basis.

Book covers may create a lasting effect on their readers. That’s why some iconic covers of classical English stories have remained unchanged throughout the years, like The Godfather by Mario Puzo. The ideal book cover designs are those that are visually appealing and capture an author’s vision too.

The best covers are those that provide the reader with an idea of the book’s plot, tone, and genre without revealing too much information. A perfectly designed book cover gets developed by adding all these elements to it:

  •  An Attention-grabbing Title
    The title of your book should be easy to remember and understand. It should stand apart from other books on the shelf with its creative imagery. You should place yourself in a reader’s shoes and think about a title that will cause a stir when published or released online as a book cover thumbnail.
  • A Descriptive and Concise Subtitle
    A few words that complement the book title can constitute a Sub-title for your book cover design. It can be concise and descriptive both simultaneously. You can’t deny the importance of a subtitle as it can intrigue a reader to read the whole book by giving them a minor glimpse of its contents.

It comes under the title or under the book cover image and is typically written in a shorter font than the book title font.

When designing an e-book version, the book cover can be made more search-friendly on the internet by adding specific keywords to this line.

  • Interesting Title Font
    A book usually contains the same form of font. So, you should opt for a book cover design that incorporates an exclusive and exciting type of font which coveys the effect you’re aiming for.
  • Creative Imagery
    To create an aesthetically beautiful front cover, the options are limitless. It takes a book designer to understand fully how to make a powerful book cover with the combination of creative ideas and imagery.

You may choose vibrant colors, minimalistic features, or an exclusive 3D cover design.

  • Blurbs/Reviews
    The reviews of some big-time authors and popular newspapers regarding the read-worthiness of your book really matter as such endorsements carry much weight with potential readers. These are termed “Blurbs” and generally go on the front and back of the cover design.

The longer ones should be placed on the back of the cover, and the shorter ones can be on the front. The front reviews are the most significant in terms of influencing readers.

  • A Striking-looking Spine
    Due to crowding issues or if your book is not that widely marketed, your book, in printed form, will most likely share space with other similar books on a bookshelf. Here, only the spine will be observed by a potential buyer.

So, the spine of your book should be designed in a way that resonates with the cover theme. Bold and simple text works perfectly for a spine with the text including the title, the author’s name, or the logo of your publishing company if felt appropriate.

Case Study:

Even a case study supports the need for a beautiful cover design for your book to flourish among buyers.

Interior Design

After designing a book cover, you should move towards a book’s interior design. You should not ignore the inside of your book, as the interior design indeed plays a great role in retaining a reader’s interest.

The content presentation between the covers will decide whether a reader’s experience was amazing or not. Such designing may include planning the page layout, margin settings, font size, arranging and formatting the text and many more items.


You may add gorgeous art to your book design by adding illustrations to it. These make your words pop out of the book by using eye-catching images or sketches.

From storybook drawings to clever cartoons, your readers will get further pulled into your book. A professional designer or artist can work wonders to boost your book design quality with illustrations alone.

All these elements encompass a thorough book designing process.

Parting Thought

Anybody can write a book but marketing it successfully and making it appealing to prospective readers requires a professionally designed book. You don’t need to look around for a perfect book designer.

The Designroom24 is an authentic platform that ensures your book dazzles in bookshelves or in thumbnails with its cleverly designed structure and format. You get high-quality design work according to your requirements, which promotes your book sales.