Logo Design

Your logo is the public face or spokes-object of your brand. So, it needs packing a lot of beats. Here is what should be in a logo to set it up as a lasting and timeless impression.

Minimalist Logo Design


Mascot Logo Design


Signature Logo Design


Watercolor Logo Design


Vintage Logo Design


Freestyle Logo Design


Hand-Drawn Logo Design


What is logo and logo design?

Logo design is undoubtedly a unified ‘creation’, a creation from nothing but what your organization, brand, and product convey to its audience. It is the embryo of your agency. Your logo acts as a 360-degree agent that can rotate in the most aphoristic manner and enigmatic terseness. It is that condensed and compact exposure of your business that reflects the best of you and your brand. Your logo means it is you and your identity.

Do you know your brand architecture begins from logo?

If you still do not have a vital concern for your brand architecture, maybe you are within a high chance to cut a sorry figure in your dream business. You will then only pay to so many online and offline marketers to uplift your business and it is yielding nothing much. Otherwise, you just create promos and your marketing endeavors are already vulnerable with costs and complexities. This is at the same time, time-consuming, costly and inefficient.

When you think about brand architecture for your business, you must be thinking about a logo which is the first impression of your company. Brand architecture and logo are simultaneously imperative. Logo reinforces your brand architecture. You cannot explore those places physically that your logo can do both physically and virtually. Yes, it is a logo which is your 360-degree special agents to bring your company here and there. And you cannot deny the visibility of logo on your websites, advertisements, business cards and promos. Again, a logo is the foundation of your brand.

How Designroom24 helps you in designing a professional and eternal logo?

So, in purpose to make a coherent, cohesive, consistent and recognizable brand architecture across all channels, DesignRoom24 helps you create unique logos which make your business outlook meaningful and professional. We create logo for business to mean that we witness a birth of a child. We also want this child to be the super one. This is why we create it giving our all the spirit with an inspired dedication.

Logo design is something as pottery to us. We frame it, shape it, color it, and then give life to it. When our artists get a logo to design, they discover themselves in a world of innovation. Logo design is a bestowed honor to their creativity. But in reality, designing an expressive and timeless logo is not that much easy task. It always requires a bunch of backstage strategies. We are again here to convey the Good news for you. If you help us do the background works, we will bring the essence and insight of your brand through the logo in the most simplistic but verbose manner.

Again, to say, your logo is the public face or spokes-object of your brand. So, it needs packing a lot of beats. Here is what should be in a logo to set it up as a lasting and timeless impression.

You may choose to plan for the following three common types of logo

  • Wordmark
    It is also referred to as the written name of your company. It is a texted presentation of your brand. Many of the leading brands use wordmarks. You do not find any logo of them. If we ask you to find the logo of Google?
  • Letter mark
    People also define it as Monogram. These logos are designed by extracting the initial letters of your organization. Abbreviation is, no doubt, a better idea if your company is of a long name. The best example would be International Business Machines (IBM).
  • Symbol
    This is a visual representation of your business in a pictorial way. It carries a wholeness of your brand. It may either be a shape signifying your area of specialty or an abstract embodiment that indicates your brand. The most widely recognized Symbolic logo includes Swoosh and Apple.

How to shape a logo from Zero?

In starting practically thinking about the first impression, decide how the total portfolio should look. Have you got a single coherent and cohesive theme and sketch of the piece? Do you think this is going unique from your mind experience?

To get the task done more easily, go and answer through the following empirical terms of logo design.

  • Exposure: Expressionist or abstract? Simple or verbose?
  • Color: warm or cool? Do they contrast?
  • Line: elegant and thin or bold and playful? Do they clash?
  • Texture: Archaic and classic or modern and flat and 3D and more dimensional?
  • Shape: triangle, square, or circle? If more than 1 shape, how do they align?
  • Space: can it breathe enough or so compact?
  • Typography: classic or modern? Or both? Are they good neighbors?

Logo: Image quality, color, and resolution checks before print

Make sure the following things before printing a logo that you use a high-quality image. 300dpi (dots per inch) would be very effective when printed. Stamp-sized reproductions all the way ranging from posters to banners are considered to be an ideal size to get a disturb-less view. Be conscious to add any text very close to the logo or. Try to scale the text in a passage so that it can breathe well. These make your logo more vivid and lively and signifies that you are a real business figure.

Now, let us hope for that logo that satisfies you the best and get the logo Designed by designroom24 to build a powerful brand identity for you.