Brand Style Guide

A brand style guide is a set of rules defining the design, color, and style of everything related to your brand, including presentations, meetings, logos, advertising, and imagery. The purpose of the brand style guide is to predefine some rules for your brand’s branding that will let the people know what your brand is.

Flat or Manimilist Brand Style Guides Design

Flat or Minimalist

Vintage or Retro Brand Style Guides Design

Vintage or Retro

Mascot or Cartoon Brand Style Guides Design

Mascot or Cartoon

Signature Design Brand Style Guides


Watercolor or Feminine Brand Style Guides Design

Watercolor or Feminine

Hand-Drawn Brand Style Guides Design


How to create one?

Owning a brand may not be the most difficult task ever, however keeping it on top requires effort and hard work. The key to making your brand number one is the evenness and alignment in every detail of your brand.

But do you think it’s difficult to maintain the steadiness of your brand?

A brand style guide will prove you wrong because it is the easiest and best way to keep your brand structure as a single whole where each part complements the other instead of denying it.

This guide will help you create your brand style guide and let your brand shine!

Ready to win the race? Let’s begin!

What is a Brand Style Guide?

A brand style guide is a set of rules defining the design, color, and style of everything related to your brand, including presentations, meetings, logos, advertising, and imagery. The purpose of the brand style guide is to predefine some rules for your brand’s branding that will let the people know what your brand is.

This helps to add consistency to your brand, keeping it in the eyes of the followers. A brand is recognized by its name; however, the color, typography, and style you use become your brand’s signature. Changing it constantly would lower your brand name and reputation as your followers have to recognize the brand every time.

What is brand identity?

A brand identity is what your brand speaks to your audience by a best-communicating means. It makes your customers fall in an emotional attachment to your business if your productions look that much appealing. It acts as the oneness of your business and a promise to your consumers.

To be identical with the above idea, brand identity is considered to be the visible elements of your brand that include logo, stationaries, business card, typography, design, colors, packaging and messaging. It identifies and distinguishes your brand in in the mind customers. Do not get confused in interchangeably meaning brand identity and brand image as the same things.

What To Do Before Creating a Brand Style Guide?

Before you even start thinking about creating a brand style guide, an important step is defining your brand’s milestones to help you create a better guide. Here are some steps to follow.

  1. Define Your Brand

The first step needs to address what your brand is all about, why it is being created, the purpose, your product or service, what your rules and regulation will be, and your brand values.

Without knowing your brand’s core, it would not be possible to have any branding guide. It is better to predefine everything so that you don’t need to bring changes with changing milestones of the brand.

  1. Give A Name

After deciding what your brand is all about, now comes the turn for your brand’s name. The name you decide must not only be catchy, but it must tell who you are and what this brand is all about.

The biggest mistake many brand owners make is choosing a complicated and catchy name that does not define your brand, product, and service.

  1. Style of Conversation

Whether it sells a service or product, any brand needs to communicate with the people for whom the brand is created. The important thing is to decide the way a brand will communicate. Will it communicate in a serious tone, a witty tone, a friendly one, or any other?

Your brand itself decides the tone, depending on what it’s all about. If it’s about fashion, you can use an expressing tone; if it’s about health, you must use a serious tone and so on.

  1. Knowing Your Audience

Knowing the mindset, feelings, requirements, and everything about your audience is crucial. You may ask why? And I have the answer.

Your audience is the pillars on which the building of your brand is standing, so it must be exactly like the way your audience wants, and for this, you must know your audience.

Things to Include In Brand Style Guide

Now here we are at the most important part of this guide, and this will tell you about the things required for a brand style guide and how they should be.

  • Your Brand Story
    If you are thinking of keeping consistency in your brand through a brand styling guide, it must include a brand story. A brand story highlights the morals and values of a brand.

The purpose behind the brand story is to know what you have to tell your audience to compel and convince them to select your brand.

    • Customize Your Logo
      A brand logo needs to be recognizable and aligned with the brand name and story. Your logo should speak about it if you are selling shoes, instead of just being a beautiful logo.

    Use the same logo everywhere; even if your brand holds multiple partners, you should still decide on a single logo to advertise your brand better.

    • Choose A Color Scheme
      A color scheme will explain your brand’s strategy, importance, tone, and value. A brand may have a single color, but choosing a scheme of colors would be helpful to add variety.

    However, choosing the colors and the number of colors depends on the message and type of brand. Of course, a clothing brand will choose a color scheme, while a news brand will have to choose a single or few colors.

    • Decide on The Font Style
      The importance of fonts in a brand’s styling guide can never be lowered. Font styles may seem to be an extra item, but it defines the seriousness of the lightness of a brand. Fonts too convey meanings.

    Like a normal Ariel font would be fine for a medical brand, choosing it for a beauty brand might not work the same way.

    • Imagery To Add
      A brand requires certain types of imagery because now is when people love to see with eyes instead of just reading or listening. A brand style guide must include what the imagery will be like?

    You can add illustrations or real-life images, but it all depends on your brand and what you are selling.

Designroom24 Brings Life to Your Brand Style Guide

You might have already created a brand style guide after reading the details about it. The next thing is to change the guides into practical. Bothering about who will add life to your brand style guide? Don’t worry because Designroom24 knows how to add the magic of reality to the guide you have created.

Whether you want to have your logo designed, packaging and labels, print design, visual design, or any other related thing, we are here to provide you with what you want. We aim to give customer satisfaction while helping you make your brand the best. Ask about any service, and we are here to help!