Art & Illustration

Art is more like defining the characters in an image, while illustrations take the image and put it into a story. Illustrations are more like the story narrator of an image.






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Art and Illustration: A New Life to Your Brand

Art and illustration is not mere drawing. These are the living characters of an image. It will not be wrong to say them the personalities of a drawing. If art and illustrations are correctly drawn, they can be the center of attention for their viewers.

Its service is all about putting the ideas and designs in a unique form with the help of graphics. Whenever an idea needs an expression, its illustration comes into play. In the same vein, art adds emotional interpretation to the environment of the image.

Role of Art and Illustration

Art is more like defining the characters in an image, while illustrations take the image and put it into a story. Illustrations are more like the story narrator of an image.

The primary job of art and illustration is the creation of images to set the viewer’s attention. The illustrative work is more noticeable than the regular images. It’s an area of graphic design more concerned with provoking drawings.

Types of Art and Illustration

As the visual explainer of words, illustration has a lot of types

  • Charcoal illustration
  • Woodcut illustration
  • Watercolor painting
  • Fashion illustration
  • Surrealism illustration
  • Lithography

In the same vein, art has different types, like

  • Architecture Art
  • Sculpture Art
  • Literature Art
  • Photography art
  • Cubism Art
  • Abstract Art
  • Pop art

Figure 1. Abstract Art

Use of Illustrations and Art

You may think that illustrations and art are complicated. That’s why you may only see it in Photoshop. Here, you may be wrong. Illustrations and art are so merged in our day-to-day life. You can see them on

  • Book pages
  • T-shirt design
  • Packaging
  • promotional material

It’s also used as

  • Teaching tool
  • Communication device
  • Product Selling
  • Idea promotion

A good illustrator has more jobs than only creating attractive drawings. He must be a great problem solver, a strong communicator, and an excellent project manager.

Figure 2. Promotional material

Figure 2. Promotional material

Why Use Art and Illustrations in Graphic Designs?

Illustration plays a different and exceptional role in graphic designs. Illustration and art find their role whenever a complicated story needs a simple language. With the help of art and illustrations, elements get more understandable to the viewers.

For example, you can list the number of planets in the solar system with the help of bullets. But to explain their size and movement in the solar system. You may need the help of art and illustrations.

The illustration also plays a fantastic role in explaining the mood of the picture or story, with the help of colors and creative visuals. Art n illustrations are the best storytellers with the help of data. It helps a lot in telling a brand story interactively and interestingly.

Illustrations and artwork help to make your project stand out from the crowd. No doubt it adds more fun to the children’s learning. It also helps in marketing your brand.

Figure 3. Use of Art and illustration

Figure 3. Use of Art and illustration

How Can Art and Illustrations Boost Your Marketing?

Suppose you want to stand out from your brand in the market. You probably need the support of illustrations. Illustrations and art help build your brand uniqueness.

They tell the story about your brand exceptions. Also, organic illustrations can help reflect the ideas for the taste of your brand food. You can set a perspective in the mind of your audience through illustrations. Hence, art creates the brand’s personality in the viewer’s mind.

What are the Tools Required for Illustrations?

There are several illustrators and art tools you can find on the Google play store. Some of them are the following.

Adobe illustrator

  • It’s the best tool for graphics and line art.
  • It gives you the faculty of vector art


  • Photoshop is another important program. It’s the best tool for digital printing.
  • It gives the facility of color blend and brush strokes.

Sometimes traditional ways to make illustrations also work. Pencil and paper sketching gives a more accurate feel to art and illustration. It becomes essential to draw by hand before putting it into a program.

Figure 4. Illustration and artwork

Figure 4. Illustration and artwork

What Makes A Perfect Illustration and Artwork?

1. Put Style on Secondary

We have often seen that designers spend a lot of time discovering what style they should follow in their illustrations. They may use to copy some designers.

The problem they come across is that actual illustration goes very far. Copying someone else design or following a pattern sometimes disintegrates the actual process. Therefore, it’s essential to create your style, following no one else.

2. Balanced Detail Work

You may interpret an artwork with many details on every corner of the painting. But that’s not the case. Putting an extra focus on detail work can sometimes overwhelm an image. Therefore, it’s essential to put detail only in that area of the picture which you want to make prominent to the viewers.

3. Light and Shadow Work

Light and shadow give life to the painting. It creates an environment of the picture. Also, it sets the mood of the artistic work.

For example, a sunset describes a different painting mood, while a sunrise describes a different story. Light and shadow describe the three-dimensional effect of the artwork.

4. Color Handling

Moving further from light and shadows, careful use of colors adds more life to your painting. Humans love contrast, as colors are more stimulating to the vision. That’s why potential color combinations always work great for artwork.

5. Adding the Color Of Realism

It’s the most significant achievement of a successful artist if his artwork looks natural. This characteristic is a combination of light and color used in the images.

You may have several drawings of experienced designers that look close to reality. That’s all because of the proper use of realism in their artwork.

6. Perspective Drawing

It’s another way to add the color of reality to an artwork. It adds more dimension to a drawing. Perspective artwork is handier for the experts.

Figure 5. Characteristics of good art

Figure 5. Characteristics of good art

Need Expert Illustrators! We Are Here

In case you need professional illustrations to represent your brand. Our talented designers will help you weigh more. We use all the essential elements and characteristics to make a professional illustration and art. We have experts with years of experience. Our designers know the detail work and color balance for perfect illustration. As expert illustrators, we know how to tackle the customer’s problems with compelling artwork. A characteristic illustration is a golden key to potential customers. Therefore, you can trust us to build your brand.